In accordance with article 5 of the Spanish Law RDL1/2015, the information set out in the following sections is intended for healthcare professionals.

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Partner Devicare, S.L.

We would like to announce our new partnership with Devicare, S.L., to bring Utipro Plus AF into the Spanish market! We're excited about this new alliance and grateful for the trust placed in us.

Interested in exploring business opportunities with us? Contact us!


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Tasectan MDR Approved

GREAT NEWS! Noventure is delighted to announce that our medical device Tasectan has just been granted a new CЄ Certificate under MDR Regulation. 

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UTIPRO® PLUS AF reaches Central Asia

We are happy to inform that Utipro® Plus AF is ready to land in Central Asia thanks to its very recent registration in Kazakhstan.

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