In accordance with article 5 of the Spanish Law RDL1/2015, the information set out in the following sections is intended for healthcare professionals.

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Partner Devicare, S.L.

We would like to announce our new partnership with Devicare, S.L., to bring Utipro Plus AF into the Spanish market! We're excited about this new alliance and grateful for the trust placed in us.

Interested in exploring business opportunities with us? Contact us!


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New publication on hydrogel EHO-85 in anal fissures

Last July 2024, information from the Journal of Wound Management, the official journal of the European Society of Wound Management (EWMA), was published on Linkedin. It contains the results of a study carried out with the EHO-85 hydrogel in anal fissures. At Noventure, we are very pleased to note that our product represents an interesting novelty for a prestigious scientific publication.

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New Publication on hydrogel EHO-85 in difficult-to-heal wounds

Chronic wounds, especially those that are hard-to-heal, constitute a serious public-health problem.

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