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New publication on the mode of action of Mucoprotectants: gelatin tannate and xyloglucan show similar effectivity on preventing Cholera Toxin-Induced diarrhea in experimental studies1

The newer antidiarrheal agents include the mucoprotectants gelatin tannate and xyloglucan. Both were able to attenuate cholera toxin-induced intra-loop water secretion in an experimental study in rats. 

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Noventure is proud to announce the launch of XILAPLUS® in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by our partner company Miecys

Noventure is proud to announce the launch of XILAPLUS® in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by our partner company Miecys

XILAPLUS® is specifically formulated for the control and reduction of diarrheal events of various etiologies in adults, children, and infants.

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We are proud to announce the publication of the clinical trial “Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of xyloglucan and gelose for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children"

We are proud to announce the publication of the clinical trial “Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of xyloglucan and gelose for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children.”. While Oral Rehydration (ORS) is the main treatment of acute diarrhea in children, the addition of specific antidiarrheals may speed up the reduction of symptoms. In this clinical trial, children receiving xyloglucan/gelose (vegetal ingredients of Xilaplus AF) on top of the ORS, had significantly fewer diarrheic episodes than those who received ORS alone. The improvement of symptoms in the group on Xyloglucan/gelose was evident from 6 hours after the first dose. 

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2024, Oct 08

CPHI 2024